up: embedded systems - Raspberry PI  
Raspberry PI - Configure a Raspberry pi zero W without monitor or keyboardWhat links here?
  1. download latest version of raspbian from download website
  2. extract the image to computer (home/raspberrypi)
  3. Raspberry PI - write disk image to sd card

I never got this to work. I ended up connecting a keyboard and monitor and configuring it that way. $25 worth of cables to start up a $10 board!

Raspberry PI - Configure a Raspberry pi zero W without monitor or keyboard
filename:Raspberry PI - Configure a Raspberry pi zero W without monitor or keyboard
last edit:May 16 2018 12:54:49 (2181 days ago)
ct = 1714969676.000000 = May 06 2024 00:27:56
ft = 1526489689.000000 = May 16 2018 12:54:49
dt = 188479987.000000